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Armed and 

We understand that security needs can vary widely depending on the context and location, which is why we offer a versatile range of security solutions to meet your specific requirements. Our team consists of highly trained and licensed security professionals, both armed and unarmed, who are dedicated to safeguarding your property, assets, and personnel.


Our armed security personnel are rigorously trained in the use of firearms and other defensive tactics, ensuring a robust and visible presence to deter potential threats. They are equipped to handle a wide range of security challenges, from protecting valuable assets to maintaining order at large events.


On the other hand, our unarmed security officers specialize in providing a friendly yet vigilant presence, ideal for situations where a softer touch is required, such as access control at corporate buildings or providing a reassuring presence at public gatherings. At Interguard Secured Solutions, we are committed to tailoring our security services to your unique needs, providing peace of mind through our unwavering dedication to safety and protection. Whether you require the visible deterrent of armed guards or the approachable presence of unarmed officers, our team is ready to deliver excellence in security solutions.

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